MSP SaaS Terms-formal

MSP SaaS Terms

  • These Terms are entered into by the ServieAI entity (“SA”) and Service Provider identified on the applicable Order Form and shall be effective from the date specified in the Order Form.

    • 这些条款由上海翀远实体("翀远")和服务提供商在适用的订单上确定,自订单指定之日起生效。

1. Definitions

  • 1.1 “Agreement” means collectively, these Terms and each individual Order Form.

    • “协议”是指本条款和各单项订单的统称。
  • 1.2 “Authorized Use Limitation” means the limitation on usage of SaaS measured by the metric specified on the Order Form.

    • “授权使用限制”是指根据订单上特定的对 SaaS 的使用限制。
  • 1.3 “Authorized Users” means Service Provider, its employees and independent contractors that access and use SaaS to provide Managed Services provided that they agree to be bound by terms and conditions no less restrictive thanthose contained in the Agreement and solely to the extent that they are acting on behalf of Customer.

    • “授权用户”是指访问和使用 SaaS 提供托管服务的服务提供商、其员工和独立承包商,前提是他们同意受不低于本协议所述条款和条件的约束,且仅限于他们代表客户行事。
  • 1.4 “Compliance Rules” means, including but not limited to, the following: US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and relevant anti-corruption provisions in the jurisdiction of the People’s Republic of China, as if they directly applied to Service Provider; local laws on prevention of bribery in the country in which Service Provider carries on its business; the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Official in International Business ransactions, and international accounting standards. 1.5. “Service Provider Data” means information submitted by, or entered by an Authorized User or automatically uploaded through the use of the SaaS including, but not limited to, account information, network information, user ids and usage details.

    • “合规规则”是指,包括但不限于:美国《反海外腐败法》及中华人民共和国法域内相关的反腐败条款,就好像它们直接适用于服务提供商一样;服务提供商开展业务所在国关于防止贿赂的当地法律;经合组织《打击国际商业贿赂外国公职人员公约》和国际会计准则。
  • 1.5 条。“服务提供商数据”是指由授权用户提交、输入或通过使用 SaaS 自动上传的信息,包括但不限于账户信息、网络信息、用户 ID 和使用详细信息。
  • 1.6 “Confidential Information” means any and all information disclosed by either party (the “Disclosing Party”) to the other (the “Receiving Party”), which is marked “confidential” or “proprietary” or which should reasonably be understood by the Receiving Party to be confidential or proprietary, including, by way of example only, this Agreement, pricing, SaaS and related software (including source and object code and Documentation), of the Disclosing Party.

    • “保密信息”是指任何一方(“披露方”)向另一方(“接收方”)披露的任何和所有标有“机密”或“专有”字样的信息,或接收方应合理理解为机密或专有的信息,包括仅举例说明,披露方的本协议、定价、SaaS 和相关软件(包括源代码和目标代码及文档)。
  • 1.7 “Documentation” means any published technical manuals, including any updates thereto, relating to the use of the SaaS made generally available by 翀远.

    • “文件”是指任何已出版的技术手册,包括与翀远通常提供的 SaaS 使用相关的任何更新。
  • 1.8 “End User” means an unaffiliated, third party customer of Service Provider that receives Managed Services for such third party’s internal business purposes from Service Provider.

    • “最终用户”是指服务提供商的非关联第三方客户,该客户从服务提供商处接收用于该第三方内部业务目的的托管服务。
  • 1.9 “Exclusions” means the following events, which events shall be excluded from the calculation of Uptime (i) Force Majeure Event; (ii) outages due to Scheduled Downtime; (iii) outages based on Customer networks or domain name server issues; (iv) Customer’s configuration, scripting, coding drafted by Customer without SA’s authorization or knowledge; (v) internet outages; (vi) Customer outages requested by Customer; (vii) Customer changes to its environment which hinder SaaS production and (viii) inability for Customer to log in to SaaS service because ofdependence on non-SA provided services or components (eg.Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) in customer environment). “Force Majeure Event” means an event of force majeure and/or delays caused by an internet service provider or hosting facility that results in data center outages resulting from causes not within SA’s control.

    • “除外”是指以下事件,这些事件应排除在正常运行时间的计算之外:(i)不可抗力事件;(ii)由于计划停机造成的停机;(iii)基于客户网络或域名服务器问题的停机;(iv)客户的配置、脚本,客户在未经翀远授权或知情的情况下起草的编码;(v)互联网中断;(vi)客户要求的客户中断;(vii)客户对其环境的改变阻碍了 SaaS 的生产,(viii)客户由于依赖于非 SaaS 提供的服务或组件而无法登录 SaaS 服务(例如,重量轻客户环境中的目录访问协议(LDAP)。“不可抗力事件”是指由互联网服务提供商或托管设施引起的不可抗力和/或延迟事件,导致数据中心因不在翀远控制范围内的原因而中断。
  • 1.10 “Public Sector End User” means any country, province, city, district, county or local government bodies or agencies, including judiciaries, legislatures and departments created and or funded by any of the foregoing governmental funds.

    • “公共部门最终用户”是指任何国家、省、市、区、县或地方政府机关或机构,包括由上述任何政府基金设立或资助的司法机关、立法机关和部门。
  • 1.11 “Intellectual Property” means any intellectual property or proprietary rights recognized in any country or jurisdiction in the world including, without limitation, patents and copyrights.

    • “知识产权”是指世界上任何国家或司法管辖区承认的任何知识产权或专有权利,包括但不限于专利和版权。
  • 1.12 “Managed Services” means such services provided by Service Provider as a managed offering to its End Users using the SaaS.

    • “托管服务”是指服务提供商向使用 SaaS 的最终用户提供的托管服务。
  • 1.13 “Order Form” means a signed mutually agreed ordering document such as a SA Order Form / Quote for SaaS made available to Customer by SA and/or for consulting services.

    • “订单”是指经双方签字同意的订单文件,如翀远向客户提供的翀远订单/报价单和/或咨询服务。
  • 1.14 “SaaS” means the online version of the SA software and or type of online service defined in the Order Form and made available to Authorized Users via a website.

    • “SaaS”是指翀远软件的在线版本和/或订单中定义的在线服务类型,通过网站提供给授权用户。
  • 1.15 “Scheduled Downtime” means planned downtime of which SA has notified Service Provider at least 72 hours in advance.

    • “计划停机时间”是指翀远至少提前 72 小时通知服务提供商的计划停机时间。
  • 1.16 “Service Credit” means in the event that SA is unable to meet the stated level of Uptime in any month, Service Provider must submit a request for credit, and SA will provide to Service Provider a credit against future service fees in the manner and to the extent described below.

    • “服务信用额度”是指如果翀远在任何一个月内无法达到规定的正常运行时间水平,服务提供方必须提交信用额度申请,翀远将按照以下方式和程度向服务提供方提供未来相当与服务费用的信用额度。
  • 1.17 “Service Provider” means the entity identified in the applicable Order Form which incorporates this Agreement.

    • “服务提供商”是指包含本协议的适用订单中确定的实体。
  • 1.18 “Service Provider Data” means information submitted by, or entered by an Authorized User or automatically uploaded through the use of the SaaS for processing or storage thereby.

    • “服务提供商数据”是指由授权用户提交或输入的信息,或通过使用 SaaS 进行处理或存储而自动上传的信息。
  • 1.19 “Subscription Term” means the duration identified on an Order Form, during which the SaaS will be provided and any subsequent renewals.

    • “认购期限”是指订单上确定的期限,在此期间将提供 SaaS 以及任何后续续签。
  • 1.20 “Uptime” means the time in which the SaaS are available for access and use through the SaaS, but subject to the Exclusions described herein.

    • “正常运行时间”是指 SaaS 可通过 SaaS 访问和使用的时间,但须遵守此处所述的除外条款。

2. SaaS

  • 2.1 Right to Use the SaaS. Subject to these terms and conditions and the applicable Order Form and payment of applicable fees, during the Subscription Term, SA grants to Service Provider a non-exclusive, non- transferable right which Service Provider cannot sub- license, for Service Provider’s Authorized Users to access and use the SaaS up to the Authorized Use Limitation in accordance with the Documentation to provide Managed Services to End Users up to the Authorized Use Limitation. Service Provider agrees it shall be liable for each Authorized User’s compliance with the terms of this Agreement.

    • 使用 SaaS 的权利。根据这些条款和条件以及适用的订购单和适用费用的支付,在订购期内,翀远授予服务提供商一项非排他性的、不可转让的权利,服务提供商不能再授权服务提供商的授权用户在授权使用限制范围内访问和使用 SaaS 按照文件规定向最终用户提供管理服务,达到授权使用限制。服务提供方同意,其应负责每一个授权用户遵守本协议的条款。
  • 2.2 Restrictions. Service Provider must not directly or indirectly (a) modify, copy, or otherwise reproduce the SaaS in whole or in part; (b) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code form or structure of the software used in the SaaS; (c) provide, lease or lend the SaaS or related software to any third party except as expressly authorized hereunder; (d) remove any proprietary notices or labels displayed on the SaaS or related software; (e) modify or create a derivative work of any part of the SaaS; or (f) use the SaaS or related software for any unlawful purpose.

    • 限制。服务提供方不得直接或间接 (a) 修改、复制或以其他方式全部或部分复制 SaaS;(b) 逆向工程、反编译、反汇编或以其他方式试图派生 SaaS 中使用的软件的源代码形式或结构;(c) 向任何第三方提供、租赁或出借 SaaS 或相关软件,除非明确授权;(d) 删除显示在 SaaS 或相关软件上的任何专有通知或标签;(e) 修改或创建 SaaS 任何部分的衍生作品;或 (f) 将 SaaS 或相关软件用于任何非法目的。
  • 2.3 Service Provider Obligations. Service Provider represents and warrants that it shall: (a) make commercially reasonable efforts to provide technical support to End Users in a professional and workmanlike manner in accordance with industry standards, (b) secure the SaaS and related software, (c) make commercially reasonable efforts to secure and (d) not make any representations, warranties or create obligations or liabilities on behalf of SA. Service Provider agrees not to provide any representation or statement regarding the compliance of the SaaS or of SA to any Public Sector End User certification, legal requirement or any other representations without the prior written consent of SA.

    • 服务提供商的义务。服务提供方声明并保证:(a)作出商业上合理的努力,按照行业标准以专业和熟练的方式向最终用户提供技术支持,(b)保护 SaaS 和相关软件,(c)作出商业上合理的努力以保护和(d)不作任何陈述,代表翀远作出保证或产生义务或责任。服务提供方同意,未经翀远事先书面同意,不得就 SaaS 或翀远遵守任何公共部门最终用户认证、法律要求或任何其他陈述提供任何陈述或声明。
  • 2.4 Ownership. SA or its licensors owns all rights, including Intellectual Property rights, in the SaaS or related software, any materials relating thereto, and any modifications, enhancements, customizations, updates, revisions or derivative works thereof, and all results of consulting services, made pursuant to this Agreement. No transfer of ownership will occur under this Agreement. All rights not expressly granted to Service Provider are reserved by SA. In the event any work product or code is created in the provisioning of consulting services pursuant to Section 5.2, SA shall retain all rights, title and license in such work product or code provided that it shall be licensed to Service Provider under the same terms as the SaaS.

    • 所有权。翀远或其许可方拥有根据本协议对 SaaS 或相关软件、任何相关材料、任何修改、增强、自定义、更新、修订或衍生作品以及所有咨询服务结果的所有权利,包括知识产权。本协议下不发生所有权转让。翀远保留未明确授予服务提供商的所有权利。如果在根据第 5.2 节提供咨询服务的过程中创建了任何工作产品或代码,翀远应保留该工作产品或代码的所有权利、所有权和许可,前提是该工作产品或代码应根据与 SaaS 相同的条款授权给服务提供方。

3. Fees, Duration & Payment

  • 3.1 Fees. The fees payable by Service Provider to SA are those stated in each Order Form.

    • 费用。服务供应商应向翀远支付的费用为每份订单中规定的费用。
  • 3.2 Reports. Service Provider shall be responsible for preparing and submitting monthly reports that shall comprise information detailing Service Provider’s use of the SaaS and any metrics under which the SaaS are measured in the Order Form. Service Provider shall submit each report to SA on the fifteenth day of each calendar month. Failure to comply with this Section 3 shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement.

    • 报告。服务提供方应负责编制和提交月度报告,其中应包括详细说明服务提供方使用 SaaS 的信息,以及订单中衡量 SaaS 的任何指标。服务提供方应在每个日历月的 15 日向翀远提交每份报告。不遵守第 3 条应视为严重违反本协议。
  • 3.3 Overage. If Service Provider exceeds the Authorized Use Limitation at any time during a month, its monthly report shall constitute an order for such excess use, which shall be billed at the rates set forth in the Order Form and remain in effect through the end of the then current Subscription Term. SA shall issue an invoice to Service Provider unless Service Provider otherwise provides notice as part of its monthly report that its use of the SaaS was reduced to the Authorized Use Limitation within that month. In no event may the SaaS quantity be lowered below the original number ordered in the Order Form.

    • 超量。如果服务提供方在一个月内的任何时候超过授权使用限制,其月度报告应构成此类超额使用的订单,该订单应按照订单中规定的费率计费,并在当时的认购期结束时保持有效。翀远应向服务提供方开具发票,除非服务提供方在其月度报告中另行提供通知,说明其在该月内将 SaaS 的使用减少至授权使用限制。在任何情况下,SaaS 数量不得超过订单中订购的原始数量。
  • 3.4 Subscription Terms. The subscription to the SaaS will automatically renew for additional Subscription Term(s) of equal length to the initial Subscription Term at the conclusion of such Subscription Term and at the then current SA price on the date of renewal unless either party gives the other party notice of non-renewal at least ninety (90) days prior to the end of the relevant Subscription Term.

    • 认购条款。对 SaaS 的认购将自动续签,续签期限与初始认购期限相等,续签日期为当时的翀远价格,除非任何一方在续签结束前至少九十(90)天向另一方发出不续签通知相关认购条款。
  • 3.5 Payment. Payments are due within 30 days from the date of SA’s invoice. Any late payments will accrue charges at the rate of 1% of the outstanding balance per month, or the amount prescribed by law, whichever is lower.

    • 付款。自翀远开具发票之日起 30 天内付款。任何逾期付款将按每月未付余额的 1%或法律规定的金额(以较低者为准)计提费用。
  • 3.6 Taxes. All fees listed in the Order Form(s) are exclusive of any taxes. Service Provider agrees to pay any applicable VAT, GST, sales tax and any other applicable taxes in addition to the fees when such payments are due, but excluding taxes on SA’s net income.

    • 税。订单中列出的所有费用不包括任何税费。服务提供方同意支付任何适用的增值税、商品及服务税、销售税和任何其他适用的税款,但不包括翀远净收入的税款。
  • 3.7 Audit. SA may audit Service Provider’s use of the SaaS and related software on reasonable notice and during working hours. If an audit reveals that Service Provider has underpaid fees to SA, Service Provider shall be invoiced for and shall pay such fees in accordance with Section.

    • 审计。翀远可在合理的通知下和工作时间内对服务提供商使用 SaaS 和相关软件进行审计。如果审计显示服务提供方向翀远支付的费用不足,则应向服务提供方开具发票,并应按照第节的规定支付此类费用。

4. Confidentiality and Security

  • 4.1 Confidential Information. Each party agrees that it will not use or disclose any Confidential Information received from the other party other than (i) to perform its obligations under the Agreement or receive the benefit of the SaaS or (ii) as expressly authorized in writing by the other party. Each party will use the same degree of care to protect the other party’s Confidential Information as it uses to protect its own confidential information of like nature, but in nocircumstances less than reasonable care. Neither party will disclose the other party’s Confidential Information to any person or entity other than its officers, principals, employees and subcontractors who need access to such Confidential Information in order to affect the intent of the Agreement and who are bound by confidentiality terms no less restrictive than those in this Agreement. For SaaS, related software, Documentation and this Agreement the foregoing obligations of this section are perpetual and shall survive termination. For all other Confidential Information, the foregoing obligations shall extend for five (5) years from the date of initial disclosure.

    • 保密信息。各方同意,其不会使用或披露从另一方收到的任何保密信息,除非 (i) 履行其在本协议项下的义务或获得 SaaS 的利益,或 (ii) 经另一方明确书面授权。每一方保护另一方的机密信息的谨慎程度与保护自己的类似性质的机密信息的谨慎程度相同,但在任何情况下都不得低于合理的谨慎程度。任何一方均不得将另一方的保密信息披露给其官员、负责人以外的任何个人或实体,为了影响本协议的意图而需要访问此类机密信息的雇员和分包商,以及受保密条款约束的雇员和分包商,其限制性不低于本协议中的限制性条款。对于 SaaS、相关软件、文档和本协议,本节的上述义务是永久性的,并在终止后继续有效。对于所有其他保密信息,上述义务应自首次披露之日起延长五(5)年。
  • 4.2 Exceptions. The restrictions set forth in Section 4.1 will not apply to any Confidential Information that the Receiving Party can demonstrate (a) was known to it prior to its disclosure by the Disclosing Party; (b) is or becomes publicly known through no wrongful act of the Receiving Party; (c) has been rightfully received from a third party authorized to make such disclosure without restriction; (d) is independently developed or acquired by the Receiving Party; or (e) has been approved for release in writing by the Disclosing Party. Confidential Information may, without breach of clause 4.1, be disclosed by court order or as otherwise required by law, provided that the party required to disclose the information provides prompt advance notice thereof, to the extent practicable, to enable the Disclosing Party to seek a protective order or otherwise prevent such disclosure.

    • 例外情况。第 4.1 节中规定的限制不适用于接收方能够证明 (a) 在披露方披露之前已为其所知的任何机密信息;(b) 通过接收方的任何不法行为而为公众所知的任何机密信息;(c) 已从被授权无限制地进行此类披露的第三方处合法收到;(d) 由接收方独立开发或获得;或 (e) 已被披露方书面批准发布。在不违反第 4.1 节的情况下,机密信息可以,根据法院命令或法律的其他要求披露,前提是要求披露信息的一方在可行的范围内及时提前发出通知,以便披露方能够寻求保护令或以其他方式阻止此类披露。
  • 4.3 Injunctive Relief. The parties agree that in addition to any other remedies available at law or hereunder, the Disclosing Party will be entitled to seek injunctive relief for any threatened or actual disclosure by the Receiving Party.

    • 禁令救济。双方同意,除法律或本协议规定的任何其他补救措施外,披露方有权就接收方威胁或实际披露寻求禁令救济。

5. Support and Services

  • 5.1 Technical Support. SA will provide technical support for the SaaS to operate according to the Documentation, help desk support and Maintenance for the SaaS based on Support guidelines as described on however, SA is not obligated to maintain or support any customization to the SaaS except under a separate agreement signed by the parties. Service Provider shall be solely responsible for all Technical Support to End Users and SA shall only provide Technical Support to Service Provider for End User related technical request after Service Provider has made reasonable efforts to address such issues with its own staff.

    • 技术支持。翀远将为 SaaS 提供技术支持,以便根据文档、服务台支持和基于支持指南的 SaaS 维护进行操作,如 但是,翀远没有义务维护或支持对 SaaS 的任何定制,除非根据双方签署的单独协议。服务提供方应全权负责向最终用户提供的所有技术支持,翀远仅应在服务提供方已尽合理努力与自己的员工解决此类问题后,就最终用户相关的技术请求向服务提供方提供技术支持。
  • 5.2 Consulting Services. SA may provide consulting services, training, education or packaged work product components to Service Provider under a separate statement of work or transaction document signed by the parties. Such services are otherwise outside the scope of this Agreement, are not included as part of the SaaS and only will be provided for additional fees. Fees for such items are payable as specified in the applicable transaction document. For the purposes of computing daily rates, SA’s standard workday in the applicable geography shall apply.

    • 咨询服务。SA 可根据双方签署的单独工作说明书或交易文件,向服务提供商提供咨询服务、培训、教育或打包的工作产品组件。除此之外,此类服务不在本协议的范围内,不作为 SaaS 的一部分,只提供额外费用。此类项目的费用应按照适用交易文件的规定支付。为了计算每日费率,翀远在适用地理区域的标准工作日应适用。
  • 5.3 Product License Language. The consulting services are to implement the pre-existing features and functions of SA software and do not include any customization or development activity that impacts any of the full features and benefits and underlying source code of the SA software. Payment of license fees and/or support fees for SA software is not contingent upon Customer receiving the consulting services.

    • 产品许可证语言澄清。咨询服务将实现 SaaS 的现有特性和功能,不包括任何影响 SaaS 的所有特性和好处以及底层源代码的定制或开发活动。SaaS 服务费的支付不取决于接受咨询服务的客户。

6. Service Provider Data/Security

  • 6.1 Service Provider Data. Service Provider Data shall be protected in the same way as Confidential Information under this Agreement. SA will comply with the privacy policy set forth on SA’s website in collecting and using the Service Provider Data.

    • 服务提供商数据。服务提供方的数据应与本协议项下的机密信息一样受到保护。翀远在收集和使用服务提供商数据时将遵守翀远网站上规定的隐私政策。
  • 6.2 Security. SA uses commercially reasonable practices, including encryption and firewalls, designed to enable Service Provider Data to be disclosed only to Service Provider and Authorized Users.

    • 安全。翀远使用商业上合理的做法,包括加密和防火墙,旨在使服务提供商的数据仅向服务提供商和授权用户公开。
  • 6.3 Backup. SA uses commercially reasonable practices designed to enable the backup of the Service Provider Data consistent with SA’s storage policies and procedures, applicable to each twenty four (24) hour period.

    • 备份。翀远采用商业上合理的做法,旨在使服务提供商数据的备份与翀远的存储策略和程序一致,适用于每二十四(24)小时。
  • 6.4 Restoration of Data. SA will not be responsible for any unauthorized access to, alteration, theft or destruction of the Service Provider Data through accident, fraudulent means or devices, unless such access, alteration, theft or destruction is caused as a direct result of SA’s negligence or intentional misconduct, in which caseSA’s commercially reasonable efforts to restore the Service Provider Data shall be limited to the most recent back-up of the Service Provider Data.

    • 恢复数据。翀远不对通过意外、欺诈手段或设备对服务提供商数据的任何未经授权的访问、更改、盗窃或破坏负责,除非此类访问、更改、盗窃或破坏是由于翀远的疏忽或故意不当行为直接导致的,在这种情况下,翀远恢复服务提供商数据的商业合理努力应限于服务提供商数据的最新备份。

7. Availability

  • 7.1 Availability. SA uses commercially reasonable efforts to maintain availability of the SaaS twentyfour (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week, less Scheduled Downtime, in accordance with SA’s policies. SA commits to achieve 99.5% Uptime on a monthly basis, less the Exclusions defined above. If Uptime falls below 99%, it shall be considered a minor default; and if Uptime falls below 98%, it shall be considered a major default. In the event of a minor default, Service Provider is entitled to 2 days credit of SaaS fees, based on the monthly SaaS fees paid. In the event of a major default, Service Provider is entitled to 5 days credit of SaaS fees, based on the monthly SaaS fees paid. Any credits issued to Service Provider will be applied towards the next billing period applicable to Service Provider or otherwise as agreed between the parties. Except to the extent provided in Section 7.2, the credits issued under this Section will be the Service Provider’s sole and exclusive remedy for the default event giving rise to the credit.

    • 可用性。翀远根据翀远的政策,尽商业上合理的努力保持 SaaS 24 小时/天、每周 7 天、更少的计划停机时间的可用性。翀远承诺每月达到 99.5%的正常运行时间,减去上述规定的除外情况。如果正常运行时间低于 99%,则应视为轻微违约;如果正常运行时间低于 98%,则应视为重大违约。在轻微违约的情况下,服务提供商有权根据每月支付的 SaaS 费用获得 SaaS 费用的 2 天抵免。如果发生重大违约,服务提供商有权根据每月支付的 SaaS 费用获得 5 天的 SaaS 费用抵免。向服务提供方发放的任何信用证将在下一个适用于服务提供方的结算期内使用,或在双方约定的其他结算期内使用。除第 7.2 条规定的范围外,根据本条签发的信用证将是服务提供方对导致信用证的违约事件的唯一和排他性补救措施。
  • 7.2 Defaults. In the event there are three (3) major defaults within a 3 month period of time, upon 30 days written notice to SA (which notice shall be received by SA within ten (10) business days of the third unexcused major default), Service Provider may terminate this Agreement without incurring any additional charges or termination fees. In the event of such termination the Service Provider shall be entitled to a refund of SaaS fees which have not yet been applied towards the SaaS as of the effective date of termination and/or SA shall relieve Service Provider of its obligation to pay for any unused fees applicable in the then current Subscription Term. Except for the provisions of Section 7.1 above, the refund herein shall be Service Provider’s sole and exclusive remedy under this Agreement and any Order Form(s) arising hereunder, and SA shall have no further liability arising out of this Agreement and any Order Form(s) arising hereunder.

    • 默认违约。如果在 3 个月内发生三(3)次重大违约,则在向翀远发出 30 天的书面通知(翀远应在第三次无正当理由的重大违约发生后十(10)个工作日内收到该通知)后,客户可终止本协议,而不产生任何额外费用或终止费用。在终止的情况下,客户有权要求退还截至终止生效日期尚未用于 SaaS 的 SaaS 费用,和/或翀远应免除客户支付当时认购期内适用的任何未使用费用的义务。除上述第 7.1 条的规定外,本协议项下的退款应为客户在本协议项下以及在本协议项下产生的任何订单项下的唯一和排他性补救措施,翀远对本协议以及在本协议项下产生的任何订单项下产生的任何进一步责任概不负责。
  • 7.3 Downtime. Scheduled Downtime and unscheduled interruptions may occur, and SA does not warrant uninterrupted availability of the SaaS. Normal software or hardware upgrades are scheduled for nights and weekends, Pacific Standard Time, and intended to cause a minimum amount of interruption to SaaS availability. In the event that an unscheduled interruption occurs, SA will use commercially reasonable efforts to resolve the problem and return the SaaS to availability as soon as practical. During such Scheduled Downtime and unscheduled interruptions, Service Provider may be unable to transmit and receive data through the SaaS. Service Provider agrees to cooperate with SA during the Scheduled Downtime and unscheduled interruptions if assistance from Service Provider is necessary in order to restore the SaaS to working order.

    • 停机时间。可能会发生计划内停机和计划外中断,翀远不保证 SaaS 的不间断可用性。正常的软件或硬件升级计划在太平洋时间的晚上和周末进行,并打算对 SaaS 造成一定程度的中断。如果发生计划外的情况,翀远将通过商业努力解决问题,并尽快使 SaaS 可用。在这种计划停机和非计划中断期间,客户可能无法通过 SaaS 传输和接收数据。客户同意在计划停机和非计划中断期间与翀远合作,如果需要客户的帮助以将 SaaS 恢复到工作状态
  • 7.4 Exclusions. The Exclusions defined above shall be excluded from the calculation of Uptime.

    • 除外责任。上述规定的除外情况应排除在正常运行时间的计算之外。
  • 7.5 Changes. In addition to Scheduled Downtime, SA may temporarily restrict Service Provider’s access to parts of the SaaS for necessary unplanned maintenance or system administration purposes without notice or liability.

    • 调整。除了计划停机时间外,翀远还可以临时限制客户访问 SaaS 的某些部分,以进行必要的、计划外的维护或系统管理,而无需通知或承担任何责任。

8. Term & Termination

  • 8.1 Term. The Term of this Agreement shall commence on the first day of the first applicable Subscription Term and will terminate when (a) all Subscription Terms and any renewals thereof entered into pursuant to the Agreement have expired or been terminated or (b) the Agreement is otherwise terminated as provided for herein.

    • 期限。本协议的期限应自第一个适用认购期限的第一天开始,并在以下情况下终止:(a) 根据本协议签订的所有认购条款及其任何续约已经到期或终止,或 (b) 本协议根据本协议规定终止。
  • 8.2 Termination for Cause. The Agreement may be terminated by either party (a) upon a material breach by the other party, provided that, in each instance of a claimed breach: (i) the nonbreaching party notifies the breaching party in writing of such breach; and (ii) the breaching party fails to either cure such breach within thirty (30) days from receipt of such notice; or (b) upon insolvency of or the filing of bankruptcy by the other party, if permitted by law.

    • 因故终止。任何一方可 (a) 在另一方发生重大违约时终止本协议,前提是,在每一次声称违约的情况下:(i) 守约方以书面形式通知违约方该违约行为;以及 (ii) 违约方未能在收到该通知后三十(30)天内纠正该违约行为;或 (b) 在另一方破产或申请破产时,如果法律允许。
  • 8.3 Effect of Termination. Upon any termination of the Agreement the due dates of all payments under the Order Forms will automatically be accelerated so that such payments become due and payable on the effective date of termination. All rights granted hereunder shall immediately terminate and Service Provider shall return or destroy all SA Confidential Information in its possession.

    • 终止效力。本协议终止后,订单下所有付款的到期日将自动提前,以便此类应付款在终止生效日到期前到付。此处授予的所有权利应立即终止,客户应归还或销毁其拥有的所有翀远机密信息。

9. Warranties

  • 9.1 Warranty. During the first (i) ninety (90) days from the beginning of the initial Subscription Term as stated in the applicable Order Form or (ii) thirty (30) days from the provision of consulting services, as applicable, SA warrants that (a) when the SaaS are used in an operating environment stated in the Documentation as supported by SA, the SaaS will materially conform to the Documentation; and (b) consulting services shall be performed in accordance with industry standards using reasonable care and skill, and provided in accordance with SA’s thenprevailing policies. If it is established that SA has breached either of the warranties above, SA’s only obligation and Service Provider’s exclusive remedy shall be for SA to, at its option, (1) use reasonable efforts to cure the defect in the SaaS, or re perform the nonconforming consulting services, as applicable; (2) replace the SaaS with SaaS that materially conform to the specifications in the Documentation; or (3) terminate the applicable Subscription and provide a refund of pre-paid, unused fees calculated against the remainder of the Subscription Term. This warranty and the remedies offered are applicable only if Service Provider reports the alleged breach with reasonable specificity in writing within thirty (30) days from its occurrence.

    • 售后保证。在初始认购期开始后的第一 (i) 九十(90)天内(如适用),或 (ii) 提供咨询服务后的三十(30)天内(如适用),翀远保证 (a) 当 SaaS 在翀远支持的文件中规定的操作环境中使用时,SaaS 将在实质上符合文件;和 (b) 咨询服务应按照行业标准,使用合理的谨慎和技能,并按照翀远当时的现行政策提供。如果确定翀远违反了上述任何一项保证,翀远的唯一义务和服务提供商的唯一补救措施应为翀远自行选择 (1) 尽合理努力纠正 SaaS 中的缺陷,或重新履行不合格咨询服务(如适用);(2) 将 SaaS 替换为实质上符合文档中规范的 SaaS;或 (3) 终止适用的订阅,并退还根据订阅期限剩余部分计算的预付、未使用的费用。本保证和提供的补救措施仅适用于服务提供方在其发生后三十(30)天内以合理的具体书面形式报告所称违约行为的情况。

    • 免责声明。上述保证是翀远的唯一保证,并在法律允许的范围内取代所有其他明示或默示的保证或条件。翀远不保证翀远的 SAAS、相关软件、咨询服务或维护满足服务提供商的要求,也不保证 SAAS 和相关软件的使用不间断或无错误。

10. Limitation of Liability


    • 除服务供应商违反第 2 条或任何一方违反第 4 条外,(I)在任何情况下,任何一方均不对另一方或任何另一方承担责任,无论是在合同或侵权行为中,还是在其他方面,对任何附带、间接、惩罚性、示例性、特殊、后果性或不可预见的损失、损害或费用、利润损失、业务、机会损失、数据丢失或损坏,无论是何种原因引起的,即使被告知发生此类损失或损坏的可能性,以及 (II)双方根据本协议对另一方的直接损害、损失、退款或任何原因的责任,无论诉讼形式是合同规定的或非合同性的,应限于在当时的 SAAS 认购期内或根据适用的咨询服务交易文件支付和拖欠的费用的最高限额。

11. General Provisions

  • 11.1 Notices. All notices under the Agreement must be in writing. Notices will be deemed received by the party to whom the notice is addressed two (2) working days from posting.。

    • 本协议下的所有通知必须以书面形式。通知将被视为由发出通知的一方在发布后两(2)个工作日收到。
  • 11.2 Independent Contractors. The relationship between SA and Service Provider is strictly that of independent contractors.
  • 独立承包商。翀远与客户之间的关系严格是指独立承包商的关系。
  • 11.3 Governing Law; Venue. The validity, construction and interpretation of the Agreement will be governed by the internal laws of the People's Republic of China, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be submitted to Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission/Shanghai International Arbitration Center for arbitration.

    • 司法管辖。本协议的有效性、构建和解释将受中华人民共和国的法律管辖,但国际私法规则另有规定的除外。双方同意凡因本协议引起的或与本协议有关的任何争议,均应提交上海国际经济贸易仲裁委员会/上海国际仲裁中心进行仲裁。
  • 11.4 Compliance with Laws. Service Provider shall comply with Compliance Rules. Service Provider represents and warrants on a continuing basis that: (i) neither it nor anyone acting on its behalf has made or shall make any payments (or promises of payments) or otherwise give anything of value (directly or indirectly) to any entity with whom it is conducting business on behalf of SA in an attempt to obtain or retain business or otherwise obtain an improper advantage; and, (ii) neither it nor anyone acting on its behalf is a government official (as defined by anti-corruption laws) who may be in a position in his/her role to influence the business of Service Provider as it relates to that government. Service Provider as it relates to this section also includes Service Provider’s owners, directors, officers, employees or its agents. In the event that SA concludes in its sole discretion that Service Provider has failed to meet its obligations under this section, SA may immediately terminate this Agreement by written notice to Service Provider.

    • 遵守法律。服务提供方应遵守合规规则。服务提供方声明并保证:(i)其或代表其行事的任何人均未向其代表翀远开展业务的任何实体支付或应支付任何款项(或付款承诺),或以其他方式(直接或间接)提供任何有价值的东西,以期获得或保留业务或以其他方式获取不正当利益;以及 (ii)其或代表其行事的任何人都不是政府官员(根据反腐败法的定义),其职位可能影响与该政府相关的服务提供商的业务。与本节相关的服务提供方还包括服务提供方的所有人、董事、高级职员、雇员或其代理人。如果翀远自行决定认为服务提供商未能履行其在本节项下的义务,翀远可立即书面通知服务提供商终止本协议。
  • 11.5 Survival of Terms. The following provisions will survive and remain in effect after termination of this Agreement: 1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.5, 4, 8, 9.2, 10 and 11.

    • 条款的生存。本协议终止后,以下规定将继续存在并仍然有效:1、2.2、2.3、3.5、4、8、9.2、11 和 12
  • 11.6 Assignment. The Agreement may not be assigned by Service Provider without the prior written consent of SA, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.

    • 转让。未经翀远事先书面同意,服务提供方不得转让本协议,且不得无理拒绝就此条件。
  • 11.7 Export Requirements. The SaaS and related software are each subject to export laws and controls of the United States of America andthe People's Republic of Chinaand import controls of any other country in which such information may be used. Service Provider agrees to export, re-export or import the SaaS and related software only in compliance with such laws and controls.

    • 出口要求。SaaS 和相关软件均受美利坚合众国以及中华人民共和国出口法律和管制以及可能使用此类信息的任何其他国家的进口管制的约束。客户同意仅根据此类法律和控制措施出口、再出口或进口 SaaS 或相关软件。
  • 11.8 Service Provider Data. If Service Provider transfers any personal data to SA as a requirement in connection with the SaaS, then Service Provider represents that (i) it is duly authorized to provide personal data to SA and it does so lawfully in compliance with relevant legislation, and (ii) Service Provider accepts that SA does not allow the recording of any sensitive personal data in its products, and has no provision to identify, distinguish, or detect that personal information has been introduced into its products, consequently SA assumes no responsibility for the safeguarding of personal information beyond best commercial practices to secure all data stored within its products, including but not limited to data encryption at rest, data encryption in motion, and strict password authentication and authorization into the system and (iii) SA and any entity within the SA group of companies or its subcontractors can use such data for the purposes of performing its obligations and (iv) SA may disclose such data to any SA entity and its subcontractors for this purpose and may transfer such data to countries outside of the country of origin. SA, Inc. is Safe Harbor certified and the SA entities have committed to comply with relevant data protection/privacy legislation.

    • 服务提供商数据。如果服务提供方将任何个人数据作为与 SaaS 有关的要求转让给翀远,则服务提供方声明 (i)其经正式授权向翀远提供个人数据,且其合法地按照相关法律进行,以及 (ii)服务提供方承认,翀远不允许在其产品中记录任何敏感的个人数据,也没有规定识别、区分或检测已引入其产品的个人信息,因此,翀远不承担保护其产品中存储的所有数据的最佳商业实践以外的个人信息的责任,包括但不限于静态数据加密、动态数据加密,以及对系统进行严格的密码认证和授权,(iii)翀远和翀远集团内的任何实体或其分包商可以使用这些数据来履行其义务,(iv)翀远可以为此目的向任何翀远实体及其分包商披露这些数据,并可以将这些数据传输到国家在原籍国以外。翀远,Inc.通过安全港认证,翀远实体承诺遵守相关数据保护/隐私立法。
  • 11.9 Publicity. SA may use Service Provider’s name and logo in SA’s marketing materials, including use on SA’s website and in press releases, subject to Service Provider’s prior approval of the content of any such release.

    • 宣传。翀远可能会在翀远的营销材料中使用客户的姓名和徽标,包括在翀远网站和新闻稿中使用,但须经客户事先批准任何此类发布的内容。
  • 11.10 Miscellaneous. If any provision of the Agreement is held to be contrary to law, then the remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect. No delay or omission by either party to exercise any right or power it has under this Agreement will be construed as a waiver of such right or power. All waivers must be in writing and signed by the party waiving its rights. Any third party software contained in the SaaS shall be subject to the terms, conditions and notices governing its use that are found in the Documentation accompanying the Software, and/or at and/or presented to, and accepted by, Service Providerduring the initiation of the SaaS. Service Provider shall not settle any third party claims arising from SA’s Intellectual Property without SA’s prior written consent. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between SA and Service Provider with respect to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement supersedes all prior negotiations, agreements, and undertakings between the parties with respect to such subject matter. No modification of this Agreement will be effective unless contained in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each party. No term or condition contained in Service Provider’s purchase order or similar document will apply unless agreed upon in an express written amendment to this Agreement, even if SA has accepted the order set forth in such purchase order, and all such terms or conditions are otherwise hereby expressly rejected by SA. In the event of a conflict between these Terms and the Order Form, the Order Form will govern.

    • 其他。如果本协议的任何条款被视为违反法律,则本协议的其余条款将继续完全有效。任何一方延迟或不履行其在本协议项下的任何权利或权力,均不得解释为放弃该权利或权力。所有弃权必须以书面形式,并由放弃其权利的一方签署。SaaS 中包含的任何第三方软件应遵守软件随附文档中有关其使用的条款、条件和通知,和/或 和/或在 SaaS 启动期间提交给服务提供商并由其接受。未经翀远事先书面同意,服务提供方不得解决翀远知识产权引起的任何第三方索赔。本协议构成翀远与服务提供商就本协议标的达成的完整协议。本协议取代双方先前就该标的物进行的所有谈判、达成的协议和作出的承诺。除非以书面形式提出并经各方授权代表签字,否则对本协议的任何修改均无效。除非在本协议的明确书面修正案中达成一致,否则服务提供方的采购订单或类似文件中包含的任何条款或条件均不适用,即使翀远已接受该采购订单中规定的订单,并且翀远在此明确拒绝所有此类条款或条件。如果这些条款与订单有冲突,以订单为准。

Customer SaaS Terms-formal

Customer SaaS Terms

  • These Terms are entered into by the ServiceAI entity (“SA”) and Customer identified on the applicable Order Form and shall be effective from the date specified in the Order Form.

    • 这些条款由上海翀远实体(“翀远”)和适用订单上确定的客户签订,自订单中规定的日期起生效。


  • 1.1 “Agreement” means collectively, these Terms and each individual Order Form. - “协议”是指本条款和各单项订单的统称
  • 1.2 “Authorized Use Limitation” means the limitation on usage of SaaS measured by the metric specified on the Order.

    • “授权使用限制”是指对 SaaS 使用的限制,以订单上规定的度量标准衡量。
  • 1.3 “Authorized Users” means Customer, its employees and independent contractors that access and use SaaS provided that they agree to be bound by terms and conditions no less restrictive than those contained in the Agreement and solely to the extent that they are acting on behalf of Customer.

    • “授权用户”是指访问和使用 SaaS 的客户、其雇员和独立承包商,前提是他们同意受不低于本协议所载条款和条件的约束,并且仅限于他们代表客户行事。
  • 1.4 “Consulting Services” means those consultancy services and/or education services provided by SA as described in an Order Form or statement of work.

    • “咨询服务”是指订单或工作说明书中所述的由翀远提供的咨询服务和/或教育服务。
  • 1.5 “Customer” means the entity identified in the applicable Order Form.

    • “客户”是指适用订单中确定的实体。
  • 1.6 “Customer Data” means information submitted by, or entered by an Authorized User or automatically uploaded through the use of the SaaS for processing or storage thereby.

    • “客户数据”是指由授权用户提交或输入的信息,或通过使用 SaaS 进行处理或存储而自动上传的信息。
  • 1.7 “Confidential Information” means any and all information disclosed by either party (the “Disclosing Party”) to the other (the “Receiving Party”), which is marked “confidential” or “proprietary” or which should reasonably be understood by the Receiving Party to be confidential or proprietary, including, by way of example only, this Agreement, pricing, SaaS and related software (including source and object code and Documentation), of the Disclosing Party.

    • “机密信息”是指任何一方(“披露方”)向另一方(“接收方”)披露的任何和所有标有“机密”或“专有”字样的信息,或接收方应合理理解为机密或专有的信息,包括仅举例说明,披露方的本协议、定价、SaaS 和相关软件(包括源代码和目标代码及文档)。
  • 1.8 “Documentation” means any published technical manuals, including any updates thereto, relating to the use of the SaaS made generally available by SA.

    • “文件”是指任何已出版的技术手册,包括与翀远通常提供的 SaaS 使用相关的任何更新。
  • 1.9 “Exclusions” means the following events, which events shall be excluded from the calculation of Uptime: (i) Force Majeure Event; (ii) outages due to Scheduled Downtime; (iii) outages based on Customer networks or domain name server issues; (iv) outages due to Customer’s configuration, scripting, coding drafted by Customer without SA’s authorization; (v) internet outages; (vi) Customer outages requested by Customer; (vii) Customer changes to its environment which hinder SaaS production and (viii) inability for Customer to log in to SaaS service because of dependence on non SA provided services or components (eg. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) in customer environment). “Force Majeure Event” means an event of force majeure and/or delays caused by an internet service provider or hosting facility that results in data center outages resulting from causes not within SA’s control.

    • “除外”是指以下事件,这些事件应排除在正常运行时间的计算之外:(i)不可抗力事件;(ii)由于计划停机而导致的停机;(iii)由于客户网络或域名服务器问题而导致的停机;(iv)由于客户的配置、脚本而导致的停机,未经翀远授权由客户起草的编码;(v)互联网中断;(vi)客户要求的客户中断;(vii)客户对其环境的更改会阻碍 SaaS 的生产,以及(viii)由于依赖于非翀远提供的服务或组件(例如客户环境中的轻量级目录访问协议(LDAP))而导致客户无法登录 SaaS 服务。“不可抗力事件”是指由互联网服务提供商或托管设施引起的不可抗力和/或延迟事件,导致数据中心因不在翀远控制范围内的原因而中断。
  • 1.10 “Intellectual Property” means any intellectual property or proprietary rights recognized in any country or jurisdiction in the world.

    • “知识产权”是指世界上任何国家或管辖区承认的任何知识产权或专有权。
  • 1.11 “Order Form” means a signed mutually agreed ordering document such as a SA Order Form / Quote for SaaS made available to Customer by SA and/or for Consulting Services. “订单”是指经双方签字同意的订单文件,如翀远向客户提供的翀远订单/报价单和/或咨询服务。
  • 1.12 “SaaS” means the online version of the SA software and or type of online service defined in the Order Form and made available to Authorized Users via a website.

    • “SaaS”是指翀远软件的在线版本和/或订单中定义的在线服务类型,通过网站提供给授权用户。
  • 1.13 “Scheduled Downtime” means planned downtime of which SA has notified Customer at least 72 hours in advance.

    • “计划停机时间”是指翀远至少提前 72 小时通知客户的计划停机时间。
  • 1.14 “Service Credit” means in the event that SA is unable to meet the stated level of Uptime in any month, Customer must submit a request for credit, and SA will provide to Customer a credit against future SaaS fees in the manner and to the extent described below.

    • “服务信用”是指如果翀远在任何一个月内无法达到规定的正常运行时间水平,客户必须提交信用申请,翀远将以下述方式和程度向客户提供未来 SaaS 费用的信用。
  • 1.15 “Subscription Term” means the duration identified on an Order Form during which the SaaS will be provided, and any subsequent renewals.

    • “认购期限”是指订单上确定的提供 SaaS 的期限,以及随后的任何续签。
  • 1.16 “Uptime” means the time the SaaS is available for access and use, but subject to the Exclusions described herein.

    • “正常运行时间”是指 SaaS 可供访问和使用的时间,但须遵守此处所述的除外条款。

2. SaaS

  • 2.1 Right to Use the SaaS. Subject to the terms of the Agreement and payment of applicable fees, during the Subscription Term, SA grants to Customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable right which Customer cannot sub-license, for Customer and its Authorized Users to access and use the SaaS for Customer’s internal business purposes up to the Authorized Use Limitation and always in accordance with the Documentation.

    • 使用 SaaS 的权利。根据本协议条款和适用费用的支付,在认购期内,翀远授予客户一项非排他性、不可转让的权利,客户不能再授权,供客户及其授权用户访问和使用 SaaS,用于客户的内部业务目的,直至达到授权使用限制,并始终符合文档要求。
  • 2.2 Restrictions. Customer must not directly or indirectly (a) modify, copy, or otherwise reproduce the SaaS in whole or in part; (b) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code form or structure of the software used in the SaaS; (c) provide, lease or lend the SaaS to any third party except as expressly authorized hereunder; (d) remove any proprietary notices or labels displayed on the SaaS or related software; (e) modify or create a derivative work of any part of the SaaS or related software; or (f) use the SaaS or related software for any unlawful purpose.

    • 限制。客户不得直接或间接(a)全部或部分修改、复制或以其他方式复制 SaaS;(b)逆向工程、反编译、反汇编或以其他方式试图派生 SaaS 中使用的软件的源代码形式或结构;(c)提供,除非本协议明确授权,否则将 SaaS 租赁或借给任何第三方;(d)删除 SaaS 或相关软件上显示的任何专有通知或标签;(e)修改或创建 SaaS 或相关软件任何部分的衍生作品;或(f)将 SaaS 或相关软件用于任何非法目的。
  • 2.3 Ownership. SA or its licensors owns all rights, including Intellectual Property rights, in the SaaS and related software, any materials relating thereto, and any modifications, enhancements, customizations, updates, revisions or derivative works thereof, and all results of Consulting Services, made pursuant to the Agreement. No transfer of ownership will occur under the Agreement. All rights not expressly granted to Customer are reserved by SA and/or its licensors. In the event any work product or code is created in the provisioning of Consulting Services pursuant to Section 5.2, SA shall retain all rights, title and license in such work product or code provided that it shall be licensed to Customer under the same terms as the SaaS.

    • 所有权。翀远或其许可方拥有根据本协议对 SaaS 和相关软件、任何相关材料、任何修改、增强、自定义、更新、修订或衍生作品以及所有咨询服务结果的所有权利,包括知识产权。本协议下不发生所有权转让。翀远和/或其许可方保留未明确授予客户的所有权利。如果在根据第 5.2 节提供咨询服务时创建了任何工作产品或代码,翀远应保留该工作产品或代码的所有权利、所有权和许可,前提是该工作产品或代码应按照与 SaaS 相同的条款授予客户许可。

3. Fees, Duration & Payment

  • 3.1 Fees. The fees payable by Customer to SA are those stated in each Order Form.

    • 费用。客户应向翀远支付的费用为每份订单中规定的费用。
  • 3.2 Reports. Customer is responsible for preparing and submitting monthly reports that shall include information detailing Customer’s use of the SaaS and any metrics under which the SaaS are measured in the Order Form. Customer shall submit each report to SA on the fifteenth day of each calendar month. Failure to comply with this Section 3 shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement.

    • 报告。 客户应负责编制和提交月度报告,其中应包括详细说明客户使用 SaaS 的信息,以及订单中衡量 SaaS 的任何指标。 客户应在每个日历月的 15 日向翀远提交每份报告。 不遵守本协议第 3 条的应视为严重违反本协议。
  • 3.3 Overage. If Customer exceeds the Authorized Use Limitation at any time during a month, its monthly report shall constitute an order for such excess use, which shall be billed at the rates set forth in the Order Form and remain in effect through the end of the then current Subscription Term. SA shall issue an invoice to Customer unless Customer otherwise provides notice as part of its monthly report that its use of the SaaS was reduced to the Authorized Use Limitation within that month. In no event may the SaaS quantity be lowered below the original number ordered in the Order Form.

    • 超龄。如果客户在一个月内的任何时候超过授权使用限制,其月度报告应构成此类超额使用的订单,该订单应按照订单中规定的费率计费,并在当前认购期结束时保持有效。翀远应向客户开具发票,除非客户在其月度报告中另外提供通知,说明其在该月内使用的 SaaS 已减少到授权使用限制。在任何情况下,SaaS 数量不得低于订单中订购的原始数量。
  • 3.4 Subscription Terms. The subscription to the SaaS will automatically renew for additional Subscription Term(s) equal in length to the initial Subscription Term at the conclusion of such Subscription Term and at the then current SA price on the date of renewal unless either party gives the other party written notice of nonrenewal at least ninety (90) days prior to the end of the relevant Subscription Term.

    • 认购条款。对 SaaS 的认购将自动续签,续签期限等于该认购期限结束时的初始认购期限,续签之日的当前翀远价格,除非任何一方至少提前九十(90)天向另一方发出非续签的书面通知相关认购期结束。
  • 3.5 Payment. Payments are due within 30 days from the date of SA’s invoice. Any late payments will accrue charges at the rate of 1% of the outstanding balance per month, or the amount prescribed by law, whichever is lower.

    • 付款。自翀远开具发票之日起 30 天内付款。任何逾期付款将按每月未付余额的 1%或法律规定的金额(以较低者为准)计提费用。
  • 3.6 Taxes. All fees listed in the Order Form(s) are exclusive of any taxes. Customer agrees to pay any applicable VAT, GST, sales tax and any other applicable taxes in addition to the fees when such payments are due, but excluding taxes on SA’s net income.

    • 税。订单中列出的所有费用不包括任何税费。客户同意支付任何适用的增值税、商品及服务税、销售税和任何其他适用的税款,但不包括翀远净收入的税款。
  • 3.7 Audit. SA may audit Customer’s use of the SaaS on reasonable written notice and during working hours. If an audit reveals that Customer has underpaid fees to SA, Customer shall be invoiced for and shall pay such fees in accordance with Section 3.5.

    • 审计。翀远可在合理的书面通知和工作时间内审核客户对 SaaS 的使用。如果审计发现客户向翀远支付的费用不足,则应根据第 3.5 节向客户开具发票并支付此类费用。

4. Confidentiality and Security

  • 4.1 Confidential Information. Each party agrees that it will not use or disclose any Confidential Information received from the other party other than (i) to perform its obligations under the Agreement or receive the benefit of the SaaS or (ii) as expressly authorized in writing by the other party. Each party will use the same degree of care to protect the other party’s Confidential Information as it uses to protect its own confidential information of like nature, but in no circumstances less than reasonable care. Neither party will disclose the other party’s Confidential Information to any person or entity other than its officers, principals, employees and subcontractors who need access to such Confidential Information in order to affect the intent of the Agreement and who are bound by confidentiality terms no less restrictive than those in the Agreement. For SaaS, related software, Documentation and this Agreement the foregoing obligations of this section are perpetual and shall survive termination. For all other Confidential Information, the foregoing obligations shall extend for five (5) years from the date of initial disclosure.

    • 保密信息。各方同意,其不会使用或披露从另一方收到的任何保密信息,除非(i)履行其在本协议项下的义务或获得 SaaS 的利益,或(ii)经另一方明确书面授权。每一方保护另一方的机密信息的谨慎程度与保护自己的类似性质的机密信息的谨慎程度相同,但在任何情况下都不得低于合理的谨慎程度。任何一方均不得将另一方的保密信息披露给其官员、负责人以外的任何个人或实体,为了影响本协议的意图而需要访问此类机密信息的雇员和分包商,以及受保密条款约束的雇员和分包商,其限制性不低于本协议中的限制性条款。对于 SaaS、相关软件、文档和本协议,本节的上述义务是永久性的,并在终止后继续有效。对于所有其他保密信息,上述义务应自首次披露之日起延长五(5)年。
  • 4.2 Exceptions. The restrictions set forth in Section 4.1 will not apply to any Confidential Information that the Receiving Party can demonstrate (a) was known to it prior to its disclosure by the Disclosing Party; (b) is or becomes publicly known through no wrongful act of the Receiving Party; (c) has been rightfully received from a third party authorized to make such disclosure without restriction; (d) is independently developed or acquired by the Receiving Party; or (e) has been approved for release in writing by the Disclosing Party’s. Confidential Information may, without breach of Section 4.1, be disclosed by court order or as otherwise required by law, provided that the party required to disclose the information provides prompt advance notice thereof, to the extent practicable, to enable the Disclosing Party to seek a protective order or otherwise prevent such disclosure.

    • 例外情况。第 4.1 节中规定的限制不适用于接收方能够证明(a)在披露方披露之前已为其所知的任何机密信息;(b)通过接收方的任何不法行为而为公众所知的任何机密信息;(c)已从被授权无限制地进行此类披露的第三方处合法收到;(d)由接收方独立开发或获得;或(e)已被披露方书面批准发布。在不违反第 4.1 节的情况下,机密信息可以,根据法院命令或法律的其他要求披露,前提是要求披露信息的一方在可行的范围内及时提前发出通知,以便披露方能够寻求保护令或以其他方式阻止此类披露。
  • 4.3 Injunctive Relief. The parties agree that in addition to any other remedies available at law or here under, the Disclosing Party will be entitled to seek injunctive relief for any threatened or actual disclosure by the Receiving Party.

    • 禁令救济。双方同意,除法律或本协议规定的任何其他补救措施外,披露方有权就接收方威胁或实际披露寻求禁令救济。

5. Support and Services

  • 5.1 Technical Support. SA will provide technical support for the SaaS to operate according to the Documentation, help desk support and Maintenance for the SaaS based on Support guidelines as described on ; however, SA is not obligated to maintain or support any customization to the SaaS except under a separate agreement signed by the parties.

    • 技术支持。翀远将为 SaaS 提供技术支持,以便根据文档、服务台支持和基于支持指南的 SaaS 维护进行操作,如 http://www.service/support ;然而,翀远没有义务维护或支持对 SaaS 的任何定制,除非根据双方签署的单独协议。
  • 5.2 Consulting Services. SA may provide Consulting Services, including training, education or packaged work product components to Customer under a separate statement of work or transaction document signed by the parties. Such services are otherwise outside the scope of the Agreement, are not included as part of the SaaS and only will be provided for additional fees. Fees for such items are payable as specified in the applicable transaction document. For the purposes of computing daily rates, SA’s standard workday in the applicable geography shall apply.

    • 咨询服务。翀远可根据双方签署的单独工作说明书或交易文件,向客户提供咨询服务,包括培训、教育或打包的工作产品组件。除此之外,此类服务不在本协议的范围内,不作为 SaaS 的一部分,只提供额外费用。此类项目的费用应按照适用交易文件的规定支付。为了计算每日费率,翀远在适用地理区域的标准工作日应适用。
  • 5.3 Product License Language. The Consulting Services are to implement the pre-existing features and functions of the SaaS and do not include any customization or development activity that impacts any of the full features and benefits and underlying source code of the SaaS. Payment of SaaS service fees for the SaaS is not contingent upon Customer receiving the Consulting Services.

    • 产品许可证语言澄清。咨询服务将实现 SaaS 的现有特性和功能,不包括任何影响 SaaS 的所有特性和好处以及底层源代码的定制或开发活动。SaaS 服务费的支付不取决于接受咨询服务的客户。

6. Customer Data/Security

  • 6.1 Customer Data. Customer Data shall be protected in the same way as Confidential Information under the Agreement. SA will comply with the privacy policy set forth on SA’s website in collecting and using the Customer Data.

    • 客户数据。客户数据的保护方式应与本协议项下的保密信息相同。翀远在收集和使用客户数据时将遵守翀远网站上规定的隐私政策
  • 6.2 Security. SA uses commercially reasonable practices, including encryption and firewalls, designed to enable Customer Data to be disclosed only to Customer and Authorized Users.

    • 安全。翀远使用商业上合理的做法,包括加密和防火墙,旨在使客户数据仅向客户和授权用户公开。
  • 6.3 Backup. SA uses commercially reasonable practices designed to enable the backup of the Customer Data consistent with SA’s storage policies and procedures, applicable to each twenty four (24) hour period.

    • 备份。翀远采用商业上合理的做法,旨在使客户数据的备份与翀远的存储策略和程序保持一致,适用于每二十四(24)小时
  • 6.4 Restoration of Data. SA will not be responsible for any unauthorized access to or alteration, theft or destruction of the Customer Data through accident, fraudulent means or devices, unless such access, alteration, theft or destruction is caused as a direct result of SA’s negligence or intentional misconduct, in which case SA’s commercially reasonable efforts to restore the Customer Data shall be limited to the most recent back-up of the Customer Data.

    • 恢复数据。翀远不对通过事故、欺诈手段或设备对客户数据的任何未经授权的访问或更改、盗窃或破坏负责,除非此类访问、更改、盗窃或破坏是由于翀远的疏忽或故意不当行为直接造成的,在这种情况下,翀远恢复客户数据的商业合理努力应限于客户数据的最新备份。

7. Availability

  • 7.1 Availability. SA uses commercially reasonable efforts to maintain availability of the SaaS twentyfour (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week, less Scheduled Downtime, in accordance with SA’s policies. SA commits to achieve 99.5% Uptime on a monthly basis, less the Exclusions described above. If Uptime falls below 99%, it shall be considered a minor default; and if Uptime falls below 98%, it shall be considered a major default. In the event of a minor default, Customer is entitled to a Service Credit equal to 2 days of SaaS fees, based on the monthly SaaS fees paid. In the event of a major default, Customer is entitled to a Service Credit equal to 5 days credit of SaaS fees, based on the monthly SaaS fees paid. Any Service Credits issued to Customer will be applied towards the next billing period applicable to Customer or otherwise as agreed between the parties. Except to the extent provided in Section 7.2, the Service Credits issued under this Section will be the Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for the default event giving rise to the Service Credit.

    • 可利用性。翀远根据翀远的政策,尽商业上合理的努力保持 SaaS 的可用性,每天二十四(24)小时,每周七(7)天,减少计划停机时间。翀远承诺每月达到 99.5%的正常运行时间,减去上述除外情况。如果正常运行时间低于 99%,则应视为轻微违约;如果正常运行时间低于 98%,则应视为重大违约。如果发生轻微违约,客户有权根据每月支付的 SaaS 费用,获得相当于 2 天 SaaS 费用的服务信贷。如果发生重大违约,客户有权根据每月支付的 SaaS 费用获得相当于 SaaS 费用 5 天的服务信用。向客户发放的任何服务信用证将在下一个适用于客户的结算期内使用,或在双方约定的其他结算期内使用。除第 7.2 节规定的范围外,根据本节发放的服务信用证将是客户对导致服务信用证的违约事件的唯一补救措施。
  • 7.2 Defaults. In the event there are three (3) major defaults within a 3 month period of time, upon 30 days written notice to SA (which notice shall be received by SA within ten (10) business days of the third unexcused major default), Customer may terminate this Agreement without incurring any additional charges or termination fees. In the event of such termination the Customer shall be entitled to a refund of SaaS fees which have not yet been applied towards the SaaS as of the effective date of termination and/or SA shall relieve Customer of its obligation to pay for any unused fees applicable in the then current Subscription Term. Except for the provisions of Section 7.1 above, the refund herein shall be Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy under this Agreement and any Order Form(s) arising here under, and SA shall have no further liability arising out of this Agreement and any Order Form(s) arising here under.

    • 默认违约。如果在 3 个月内发生三(3)次重大违约,则在向翀远发出 30 天的书面通知(翀远应在第三次无正当理由的重大违约发生后十(10)个工作日内收到该通知)后,客户可终止本协议,而不产生任何额外费用或终止费用。在终止的情况下,客户有权要求退还截至终止生效日期尚未用于 SaaS 的 SaaS 费用,和/或翀远应免除客户支付当时认购期内适用的任何未使用费用的义务。除上述第 7.1 条的规定外,本协议项下的退款应为客户在本协议项下以及在本协议项下产生的任何订单项下的唯一和排他性补救措施,翀远对本协议以及在本协议项下产生的任何订单项下产生的任何进一步责任概不负责。
  • 7.3 Downtime. Scheduled Downtime and unscheduled interruptions may occur, and SA does not warrant uninterrupted availability of the SaaS. Normal software or hardware upgrades are scheduled for nights and weekends, Pacific Time, and intended to cause a amount of interruption to SaaS . In the event that an unscheduled occurs, SA will use commercially efforts to resolve the problem and the SaaS to availability as soon as . During such Scheduled Downtime and unscheduled interruptions, Customer may be unable to transmit and receive data through the SaaS. Customer agrees to cooperate with SA during the Scheduled Downtime and unscheduled interruptions if assistance from Customer is necessary in order to restore the SaaS to working order.

    • 停机时间。可能会发生计划内停机和计划外中断,翀远不保证 SaaS 的不间断可用性。正常的软件或硬件升级计划在太平洋时间的晚上和周末进行,并打算对 SaaS 造成一定程度的中断。如果发生计划外的情况,翀远将通过商业努力解决问题,并尽快使 SaaS 可用。在这种计划停机和非计划中断期间,客户可能无法通过 SaaS 传输和接收数据。客户同意在计划停机和非计划中断期间与翀远合作,如果需要客户的帮助以将 SaaS 恢复到工作状态。
  • 7.4 Exclusions. The Exclusions defined above shall be excluded from the calculation of Uptime.

    • 除外责任。上述规定的除外情况应排除在正常运行时间的计算之外。
  • 7.5 Changes. In addition to Scheduled Downtime, SA may also temporarily restrict Customer’s access to parts of the SaaS for necessary, unplanned maintenance or system administration purposes without notice or liability.

    • 调整。除了计划停机时间外,翀远还可以临时限制客户访问 SaaS 的某些部分,以进行必要的、计划外的维护或系统管理,而无需通知或承担任何责任。

8. Term & Termination

  • 8.1 Term. The Term of this Agreement shall commence on the first day of the first applicable Subscription Term and will terminate when (a) all Subscription Terms and any renewals thereof entered into pursuant to the Agreement have expired or been terminated or (b) the Agreement is otherwise terminated as provided for herein.

    • 期限。本协议的期限应自第一个适用认购期限的第一天开始,并在以下情况下终止:(a)根据本协议签订的所有认购条款及其任何续约已经到期或终止,或(b)本协议根据本协议规定终止。
  • 8.2 Termination for Cause. The Agreement may be terminated by either party (a) upon a material breach by the other party, provided that, in each instance of a claimed breach: (i) the non breaching party notifies the breaching party in writing of such breach; and (ii) the breaching party fails to either cure such breach within thirty (30) days from receipt of such notice; or (b) upon insolvency of or the filing of bankruptcy by the other party, if permitted by law.

    • 因故终止。任何一方可(a)在另一方发生重大违约时终止本协议,前提是,在每一次声称违约的情况下:(i)守约方以书面形式通知违约方该违约行为;以及(ii)违约方未能在收到该通知后三十(30)天内纠正该违约行为;或(b)在另一方破产或申请破产时,如果法律允许。
  • 8.3 Effect of Termination. Upon any termination of the Agreement the due dates of all payments under the Order Forms will automatically be accelerated so that such payments become due and payable on the effective date of termination. All rights granted here under shall immediately terminate and Customer shall return or destroy all SA Confidential Information in its possession.

    • 终止效力。本协议终止后,订单下所有付款的到期日将自动提前,以便此类应付款在终止生效日到期前到付。此处授予的所有权利应立即终止,客户应归还或销毁其拥有的所有翀远机密信息。

9. Warranties

  • 9.1 Warranty. During the (i) Subscription Term as stated in the applicable Order Form or (ii) thirty (30) days from the provision of Consulting Services, as applicable, SA warrants that (a) when the SaaS are used in an operating environment stated in the Documentation as supported by SA, the SaaS will materially conform to the Documentation; and (b) Consulting Services shall be performed in accordance with industry standards using reasonable care and skill, and provided in accordance with SA’s then-prevailing policies. If it is established that SA has breached either of warranties above, SA’s only obligation and exclusive remedy shall be for SA to, at its option, (1) use reasonable efforts to cure the defect in the SaaS, or re-perform the Consulting Services, as ; or (2) terminate the applicable and provide a refund of pre-paid, fees calculated against the remainder of Subscription Term. This warranty and the offered are applicable only if Customer the alleged breach with reasonable in writing within thirty (30) days from its .

    • 售后保证。在(i)适用订单中规定的认购期内或(ii)提供咨询服务后三十(30)天内(如适用),翀远保证(a)当 SaaS 在翀远支持的文件中规定的操作环境中使用时,SaaS 将实质上符合该文件;和(b)咨询服务应按照行业标准使用合理的谨慎和技能,并按照翀远当时的现行政策提供。如果确定翀远违反了上述任何一项保证,翀远的唯一义务和唯一补救措施应为翀远自行选择(1)尽合理努力纠正 SaaS 中的缺陷,或重新履行咨询服务;或(2)终止适用并退还预付款,根据认购期剩余部分计算的费用。本保证和所提供的仅适用于客户声称的违约,并在三十(30)天内以合理的书面形式提出

    • 免责声明。上述保证是翀远的唯一保证,并在法律允许的范围内取代所有其他明示或默示的保证或条件。翀远不保证翀远的 SaaS、相关软件咨询服务或维护能够满足客户的要求,也不保证 SaaS 和软件的使用不会中断或无错误。因此,任何和所有隐藏缺陷的保证明确排除在外。

10. Indemnity

  • 10.1 SA will indemnify, defend and/or, at its option, settle any third party claims that the results of any Consultancy Services or Customers use of the SaaS and/or related SA software pursuant to the Agreement infringes any valid US patent, or copyright within the jurisdictions where Customer is authorized to access the SaaS. SA may, at its option and expense take action to: (i) procure for Customer the right to continue to use the SaaS and/or Consultancy Services ; (ii) repair, modify or replace the SaaS and/or Consultancy Services so that it is no longer infringing; or (iii) provide a pro-rated refund of the fees paid for the SaaS and/or Consultancy Services which gave rise to the indemnity calculated against the remainder of the Subscription Term from the date it is established that SA is notified of the third party claim. The above indemnity is contingent upon: (i) Customer providing prompt notice of any claim of infringement and assistance in the defense thereof, (ii) SA’s sole right to control the defense or settlement of any such claim, and (iii) Customer not taking any actions or failing to take actions that hinder the defense or settlement process as reasonably directed by the SA.

    • 翀远将赔偿、辩护和/或自行决定解决任何第三方的索赔,即根据本协议,任何咨询服务或客户使用 SaaS 和/或相关翀远软件的结果侵犯了客户有权访问 SaaS 的司法管辖区内的任何有效中国专利或版权。翀远可自行选择并自费采取行动:(i)为客户争取继续使用 SaaS 和/或咨询服务的权利;(ii)修理、修改或更换 SaaS 和/或咨询服务,使其不再侵权;或 (iii)提供按比例退还为 SaaS 和/或咨询服务支付的费用,该费用导致从确定翀远收到第三方索赔通知之日起,根据认购期剩余部分计算的赔偿。上述赔偿取决于:(i)客户提供任何侵权索赔的即时通知并协助进行抗辩,(ii)翀远控制任何此类索赔抗辩或和解的唯一权利,以及 (iii)客户未采取任何行动或未采取任何行动妨碍翀远合理指示的辩护或和解过程。

11. Limitation of Liability

  • 11.1 Neither party excludes or limits its liability for damages caused for death or personal injury caused by the negligence or willful default of that party.

    • 任何一方均不排除或限制因其疏忽或故意违约而造成的死亡或人身伤害的赔偿责任。
  • 11.2 Except for breach of title, infringement of SA’s, or its licensors’ intellectual property rights or breach of the obligations of confidentiality, and subject to subsections 11.1, 11.3 and 11.4 of this Section 11, each party’s liability to the other under the Agreement, for direct damages, loss, refunds, or liability for any cause whatsoever and regardless of the form of action, whether contractual or non contractual, shall be limited to a maximum of the fees paid or owed for the then current Subscription Term.

    • 除违反所有权、侵犯翀远或其许可方的知识产权或违反保密义务外,根据第 11 条第 11.1、11.3 和 11.4 款的规定,协议各方对另一方的直接损害、损失、退款或任何原因的责任而不论诉讼形式如何,不论是合约的或非合约的,均须以当时的认购期所缴付或欠下的费用为限。
  • 11.3 Each party’s liability for damage to tangible personal or real property due to the negligence of that party shall be limited in aggregate to the sum equivalent to $100,000 per event or series of related events.

    • 每一方因其疏忽而对有形个人或不动产造成损害的赔偿责任总额应限于每一事件或一系列相关事件相当于 100000 美元的赔偿金。
  • 11.4 Except for infringement of SA’s or its licensors’ intellectual property rights by Customer and subject to Section 11.1, in no event shall either party be liable to the other party or any other party, whether in contract or tort, or otherwise for any indirect loss, damage or expense, including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss or corruption of data, however arising, even if advised of the possibility of such loss or damages being incurred. - 除客户侵犯翀远或其许可方的知识产权外,根据第 11.1 条,在任何情况下,任何一方均不对另一方或任何其他方承担任何间接损失、损害或费用(包括但不限于利润损失)的责任,无论是在合同中还是侵权行为中,业务损失、机会损失、数据丢失或损坏,无论是何种原因造成的,即使已告知发生此类损失或损坏的可能性。
  • 11.5 The remedies provided in the Agreement are the exclusive remedies of the Parties.

    • 《协定》规定的补救办法是缔约方的专属补救办法。

12. General Provisions

  • 12.1 Notices. All notices under the Agreement must be in writing. Notices will be deemed received by the party to whom the notice is addressed two (2) working days from posting.

    • 通知。本协议下的所有通知必须以书面形式。通知将被视为由发出通知的一方在发布后两(2)个工作日收到。
  • 12.2 Independent Contractors. The relationship between SA and Customer is strictly that of independent contractors.

    • 独立承包商。翀远与客户之间的关系严格是指独立承包商的关系。
  • 12.3 Governing Law; Venue. The validity, construction and interpretation of the Agreement will be governed by the internal laws ofthe People's Republic of China, excluding its conflict of laws provisions. Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be submitted to Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission/Shanghai International Arbitration Center for arbitration.

    • 司法管辖。本协议的有效性、构建和解释将受中华人民共和国的法律管辖,但国际私法规则另有规定的除外。双方同意凡因本协议引起的或与本协议有关的任何争议,均应提交上海国际经济贸易仲裁委员会/上海国际仲裁中心进行仲裁位于加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉县的联邦和州法院的专属管辖权和地点,以处理此处发生的任何诉讼。
  • 12.4 Survival of Terms. The following provisions will survive and remain in effect after termination of this Agreement: 1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.5, 4, 8, 9.2, 11 and 12.

    • 条款的生存。本协议终止后,以下规定将继续存在并仍然有效:1、2.2、2.3、3.5、4、8、9.2、11 和 12
  • 12.5 Assignment. The Agreement may not be assigned by Customer without the prior written consent of SA, consent not to be unreasonably withheld.
  • 12.6 Export Requirements. The SaaS and related software are each subject to export laws and controls of the United States of America andthe People's Republic of Chinaand import controls of any other country in which such information may be used. Customer agrees to export, re-export or import the SaaS or related software only in compliance with such laws and controls.

    • 出口要求。SaaS 和相关软件均受美利坚合众国以及中华人民共和国出口法律和管制以及可能使用此类信息的任何其他国家的进口管制的约束。客户同意仅根据此类法律和控制措施出口、再出口或进口 SaaS 或相关软件。
  • 12.7 Publicity. SA may use Customer’s name and logo in SA’s marketing materials, including use on SA’s website and in press releases, subject to Customer’s prior approval of the content of any such release.

    • 宣传。翀远可能会在翀远的营销材料中使用客户的姓名和徽标,包括在翀远网站和新闻稿中使用,但须经客户事先批准任何此类发布的内容。
  • 12.8 Customer Data. If Customer transfers any personal data to SA as a requirement in connection with the SaaS, then Customer represents that (i) it is duly authorized to provide personal data to SA and it does so lawfully in compliance with relevant legislation, (ii) Customer accepts that SA does not allow the recording of any sensitive personal data in its products, and has no provision to identify, distinguish, or detect that personal information has been introduced into its products, consequently SA assumes no responsibility for the safeguarding of personal information beyond best commercial practices to secure all data stored within its products, including but not limited to data encryption at rest, data encryption in motion, and strict password authentication and authorization into the system and (iii) SA and any entity within the SA group of companies or its subcontractors can use such data for the purposes of performing its obligations and (iv) SA may disclose such data to any SA entity and its subcontractors for this purpose and may transfer such data to countries outside of the country of origin. SA, Inc. is Safe Harbor certified and the SA entities have committed to comply with relevant data protection/privacy legislation.

    • 客户数据。如果客户根据与 SaaS 有关的要求将任何个人数据传输给翀远,则客户声明 (i)其经正式授权向翀远提供个人数据,且其按照相关法律合法地这样做,(ii)客户承认翀远不允许在其产品中记录任何敏感的个人数据,也没有规定识别、区分或检测个人信息已被引入其产品中,因此翀远不承担保护最佳商业惯例以外的个人信息的责任保护其产品中存储的所有数据,包括但不限于静态数据加密、动态数据加密、系统中的严格密码验证和授权,以及 (iii)翀远和 Serviceaide 集团内的任何实体或其分包商可以使用这些数据来履行其义务和 (iv)翀远可为此目的向任何翀远实体及其分包商披露此类数据,并可将此类数据传输至原产国以外的国家。翀远,Inc.获得安全港认证,翀远实体承诺遵守相关数据保护/隐私立法。
  • 12.9 Miscellaneous. If any provision of the Agreement is held to be contrary to law, then the remaining provisions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect. No delay or omission by either party to exercise any right or power it has under the Agreement will be construed as a waiver of such right or power. All waivers must be in writing and signed by the party waiving its rights. Any third party software contained in the SaaS shall be subject to the terms, conditions and notices governing its use that are found in the Documentation accompanying the SaaS or related software and/or at and/or presented to, and accepted by, Customer during the initiation of the SaaS. The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between SA and Customer with respect to the subject matter hereof. The Agreement supersedes all prior negotiations, agreements, and undertakings between the parties with respect to such subject matter. No modification of the Agreement will be effective unless contained in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each party. No term or condition contained in Customer’s purchase order or similar document will apply unless agreed upon in an express written amendment to the Agreement, even if SA has accepted the order set forth in such purchase order, and all such terms or conditions are otherwise hereby expressly rejected by SA. In the event of a conflict between these Terms and the Order Form, the Order Form will govern.

    • 其他的。如果本协议的任何条款被视为违反法律,则本协议的其余条款将继续完全有效。任何一方延迟或不履行其在本协议项下的任何权利或权力,均不得解释为放弃该权利或权力。所有弃权必须以书面形式,并由放弃其权利的一方签署。SaaS 中包含的任何第三方软件应遵守 SaaS 或相关软件随附文件中规定的条款、条件和通知,和/或 和/或在 SaaS 启动期间提交给客户并由客户接受。本协议构成翀远与客户就本协议标的达成的完整协议。本协议取代双方先前就该标的物进行的所有谈判、达成的协议和作出的承诺。除非以书面形式提出并经各方授权代表签字,否则对本协议的任何修改均无效。除非在本协议的明确书面修正案中达成一致,否则客户订单或类似文件中包含的任何条款或条件均不适用,即使翀远已接受该订单中规定的订单,并且翀远在此明确拒绝所有此类条款或条件。如果这些条款与订购单发生冲突,则以订购单为准。

Customer privacy statement-formal

Customer privacy statement 隐私声明

  • We updated our privacy statement on January 2020.
  • At ServiceAI, we respect the privacy of our customers, business partners, event attendees, job applicants and Website (as defined below) visitors. We are committed to providing a best-in-class experience, while ensuring the privacy and security of your data.

    • 在上海翀远,我们尊重客户、业务合作伙伴、活动参与者、求职者和网站访问者(定义见下文)的隐私。我们致力于提供一流的体验,同时确保您的数据的隐私和安全。
  • ServiceAI is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals who visit ServiceAI’s websites and interact with our Services. This Privacy Statement describes ServiceAI’s privacy practices in relation to the use of ServiceAI’s websites and related online Services.

    • 上海翀远致力于保护访问上海翀远网站并与我们的服务交互的个人隐私。本隐私声明描述了上海翀远在使用上海翀远网站和相关在线服务方面的隐私做法。


  • Your continued use of the website and/or the Services constitutes your consent to the contents of this Privacy Statement. ServiceAI may modify or update this Privacy Statement at any time without prior notice.

    • 您继续使用本网站和/或服务构成您对本隐私声明内容的同意。上海翀远可以随时修改或更新此隐私声明,无需事先通知。

Collection of Personal Information

  • While providing Services, ServiceAI may collect or receive Personal Information that may include e-mail address, name, company, phone number and location information. Any such information shall be used by ServiceAI solely for the provision of the Services or notifications and not for any other purpose without your prior consent.

    • 在提供服务时,上海翀远可以收集或接收个人信息,包括电子邮件地址、姓名、公司、电话号码和位置信息。当上海翀远请求你提供个人数据时,你可以拒绝。上海翀远的很多产品都需要您提供某些个人数据,以便向你提供服务。 如果您选择不提供某个产品或功能所需的数据,则无法使用该产品或功能。未经您的事先同意,任何此类信息应由上海翀远仅用于提供服务或通知,不得用于任何其他目的。
  • Such information may also include information and data about your computer hardware and software, that is automatically collected by ServiceAI during the use of the Website and the Services. This information can include but is not limited to IP address, browser type, operating system, domain names, access times and referring Website addresses.

    • 这些信息还可能包括有关您的计算机硬件和软件的信息和数据,这些信息和数据是由上海翀远在使用网站和服务期间自动收集的。这些信息可以包括但不限于 IP 地址、浏览器类型、操作系统、域名、访问时间和引用的网站地址。

Examples of actions where you may voluntarily provide information:

  • When you fill out forms on our Website (including without limitation, name, mailing address, email address, and telephone number).
  • When you post material to our Website, participate in bulletin boards, chat rooms, blogs, comment threads, forums, or other interactive features of our Website, register, or request further information or Services from us.
  • When you register to use a demo or accept a product trial.
  • When you enter a contest or promotion we sponsor.
  • When you report a problem on our Website.
  • When you contact us.
  • When you complete our surveys.
  • When you register for or attend an Event.

Other information you may submit to us related to your use of our Website or attendance to an Event, including without limitation, billing information.

  • 当您在我们的网站上填写表格时(包括但不限于姓名、邮寄地址、电子邮件地址和电话号码)。
  • 当您向我们的网站发布材料时,请参与我们网站的公告板、聊天室、博客、评论线程、论坛或其他互动功能,注册或向我们请求更多信息或服务。
  • 当您注册使用演示或接受产品试用时。
  • 当您参加我们赞助的竞赛或促销活动时。
  • 当您在我们的网站上报告问题时。
  • 当您联系我们时。
  • 当您完成我们的调查时。
  • 当您注册或参加活动时。
  • 您可能向我们提交的与您使用我们网站或出席活动有关的其他信息,包括但不限于账单信息。

Use of Your Information

  • The information as described above is used by ServiceAI for provision of the Service, to maintain quality of the Service, and for general statistics regarding use of the Website and the Service and use habits of the Website’s and Service’s users. The data may also be used to respond to one of your requests for more information, or notifications related to Services. ServiceAI will not divulge such Personal Information to third parties.

    • 上述信息由上海翀远用于提供服务、维持服务质量、以及关于网站使用情况、网站和服务用户的服务和使用习惯的一般统计。这些数据还可用于响应您的一个请求,以获取更多信息,或响应与服务相关的通知。上海翀远不会将此类个人信息泄露给第三方。
  • You also acknowledge that ServiceAI may track your use of the Service for statistical purposes or to determine the popularity of certain features of the Services to improve the quality of service.

    • 您还承认,上海翀远可能会跟踪您使用服务的统计目的,或确定服务的某些功能的受欢迎程度,以提高服务质量。

Use of Cookies

  • The ServiceAI Website uses “Cookies” to help you personalize your online experience. A “cookie” is a small amount of data transferred to your browser and read by the web server that placed it there. It records your preferences and information you entered. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you and can only be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie.

    • 上海翀远网站使用“Cookies”帮助您个性化您的在线体验。“cookie”是将少量数据传输到浏览器并由放置它的 web 服务器读取的数据。它记录你的偏好和你输入的信息。cookie 是唯一分配给您的,只能由发出 cookie 的域中的 web 服务器读取。
  • ServiceAI Services also use cookies to store user preferences for faster retrieval of key information and application settings.

    • 上海翀远服务还使用 Cookie 存储用户首选项,以便更快地检索关键信息和应用程序设置。
  • You can accept or decline Cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept Cookies, but you can modify your browser setting to decline Cookies. If you choose to decline Cookies, you may not be able to fully experience the features of the ServiceAI web site and Services

    • 您可以接受或拒绝 Cookie。大多数 web 浏览器都会自动接受 Cookie,但您可以修改浏览器设置以拒绝 Cookie。如果您选择拒绝 Cookie,则可能无法充分体验上海翀远网站和服务的功能。

Security of Your Information

  • ServiceAI secures the information you provide against unauthorized access, use or disclosure, and keeps such information on computer servers in a controlled and secured environment.

    • 上海翀远保护您提供的信息,防止未经授权的访问、使用或泄露,并将这些信息保存在受控和安全的环境中的计算机服务器上。
  • Our Services Privacy Statement covers our privacy practices in connection with your voluntary sharing of data, the use of our hosted software applications and related support services, as well as expert services, including professional services, trainings and certifications that we provide to customers.

    • 我们的服务隐私声明涵盖与您自愿共享数据、使用我们托管的软件应用程序和相关支持服务以及专家服务相关的隐私实践,包括我们向客户提供的专业服务、培训和认证。


上海翀远 智能服务管理支持以下类型的许可证:

自助用户(SSU: Self Service User)



指定用户(Named User)

此类许可证分配给需要管理工单,流程,系统行为和报告的单个 IT 分析人员或管理员。具有此许可证类型的用户始终可以登录,因为许可证已分配给这个指定帐户,并且不与其他用户共享。

  • 例如,一家名为 Beta Corp 的公司购买了五份“指定用户许可证”。 Beta Corp 有四名 IT 经理和一名管理员。这些人员需要能够登录到应用程序以验证升级并管理任何关键业务流程。
  • Beta Corp 购买了五份指定用户许可,在应用程序中为四位 IT 经理和一名管理员创建了用户帐户,并将每位用户与一个指定许可关联。这五个用户可以随时登录系统。
  • Beta Corp 无法再使用指定许可证创建任何用户,因为它们将不符合其五个指定许可证的合同。如果他们需要添加另一个具有指定许可证的用户,则他们要么需要购买另一个指定用户许可证,要么使现有用户之一变为非活动状态,要么将 Beta Corp 拥有的其他许可证类型分配给其中一个用户。
  • 注意:通过将活动用户帐户与指定许可证相关联,该用户正在使用指定用户许可证。如果您有不再与系统使用指定许可证相关联的用户,请将其设置为非活动状态。




  • 例如,如果客户采购两个指定用户许可证,管理员只能将许可证分配给两个活动用户。智能服务管理将阻止您尝试向用户分配第三份许可证。

并发用户(Concurrent User)

这种类型的许可证在需要管理故障单,流程,系统行为和报告的一组 IT 分析人员或管理员之间共享。公司购买的并发许可证数定义了可以同时登录到应用程序的具有并发许可证的最大用户数。这种类型的许可证非常适合轮班运营的公司,其中一个班次将注销而另一个班次将联机。同样,此许可证对于具有 2 级团队且偶尔登录并可以共享许可证的团队也很有效。

  • 例如,Beta Corp 购买了 10 个并发用户许可证。 Beta Corp 在 IT 中拥有 30 位 1 级分析师,他们使用该应用程序来记录,更新和解决故障单。该团队分为三个班次,每个班次有 10 位一级分析师进行工作。
  • Beta Corp 管理团队决定购买 10 个并发许可证,因为在任何给定时间使用该应用程序的并发许可证的高峰用户数为 10。
  • Beta Corp 在该应用程序中总共创建 30 个用户,并为每个用户分配并发许可证。这意味着一次最多只能有十个拥有并发许可证的用户登录到该应用程序。
  • 注意:通过将活动用户帐户与并发许可证相关联,该用户仅在登录应用程序时才消耗许可证。用户注销或超时后,并发许可证将分配其他人可用。





  • 例如,如果一个组织拥有 50 个并发用户许可证,则最多 50 个用户可以同时登录该应用程序。

网络服务 (Web Services)

Web 服务许可证是专门为集成设计的许可证类型。与此许可证类型相关联的用户无法通过常规 Web 界面或移动应用程序登录,而只能通过应用程序 Web 服务 API 访问应用程序功能。对于需要从 API 在应用程序中创建或更新工单的外部系统(例如监视工具或其他帮助台系统),此许可证类型非常有用。

  • 每位智能服务管理客户在购买应用程序时都会获得五份 Web 服务许可证。




  • 您可以在“切片”配置页面中查看许可证详细信息。
  • 导航到“管理”>“工具”>“切片配置”